First of all, restrict yourself and don't buy any paid courses or
workshops, most information is available for free for everyone. Just
read the Wikipedia links I provided in the article and follow the links
there to the official documentation of the thing you want to learn.
When it comes to programming in general I recommend learning it by doing
test projects or just playing with the code. You can also use services
like Exercism or Codewars to practice pure programming solving
problems. Also, there is a great web resource for complete beginners
called FreeCodeCamp, which covers the basics of web development and
Javascript programming.
Also, I recommend reading old academic books on programming, because
many concepts are the same in many programming languages, what you need
is the ability to think abstractly using data structures and
algorithms. I recommend anyone who wants to grok programming to read:
The rule of thumb is that if the book has a Wikipedia article, it is
probably a good book and you should read it/. There are tons of free for
everyone materials about programming on the Internet, so of course, you
should not be limited to the list above.
There are many free sources to learn you just need to invest your time
into them. The downside of learning LISP (or let's say SML and Haskell
or other nonpopular in the industry mostly academic languages) is that
mainstream programming on your job can feel very restrictive and less
expressive. Also, you will probably learn that many mainstream languages
have lots of quirks or bad design decisions.